Hitting League


Fast, Fun and Fundamental!

Rules for Hitting League

Outs- Swing and Miss, Slow Rollers, Foul Balls

Singles- Line Drive off the L-screen, Hard Ground Balls

Doubles- Hit to the top of the cage past yellow marker

Triples- Line Drive off Lower Half of Wall (Hit over 250 Ft on line drive to opposite field)

Home Runs- Line Drive off Upper Half of Back Wall or Anything hit over 300 feet in the air per rapsodo

Machine- Try and find age appropriate speed for teams


  1. Teams of 4-6 Players
  2. Teams will have to come up with set lineup before each game throughout the 3 Game Series (Teams need minimum 2 team members)
  3. Each “Game” is a 3 game series. Each team will be the “Home” team at least once and will have a coin flip for the 3rd game. 
  4. Games are 5 Inning Games. If the score is tied after 5 innings, a 6th inning will be played and if still tied will go to a tiebreaker.
  5. Runners advance bases equal to the number of bases earned with the hit. 
  6. One team member can use the tee, 1 time, during a given game. Use it or lose it. 
  7. The first 4 weeks will be pool play and the 5th week will be championship week!
  8. Teams should report to each game 10 minutes early.
  9. Games will be pitched/umpired by Big League Training Staff. All Umpire Calls are Final (1 Warning for arguing calls, second time will result in an ejection. If ejection occurs there will be a 1 out penalty for every time the player comes to bat.)
  10. Tie Breaker- Each player (4-6 Total At Bats) will hit once. The tie breaker is determined by the number of hits per team. If each team gets the same amount of hits, we will go to sudden death. In sudden death, each team nominates one player to get one at bat. If each player gets a hit, teams can choose a different player or they can keep the same player hitting for the second round. This will continue until one player gets a hit while the other team’s player gets an out. 
  11. Hit and Run- With less than 2 Outs and runners on 1st and/or 2nd a player may elect to hit and run prior to his at bat. If the player hits a ground ball it will result in an out but the runners will still advance 1 base. If a ball is successfully hit, he is given the result of the ball hit and the runners move an extra base beyond what would normally happen. If however a ball is hit and hits the sides or top of the cage in front of the yellow lines (usual out) then the result will be a double play and the lead runner will be out. 
  12. Sacrifice Bunt- With less than 2 outs and a runner on 3rd a player many elect to bunt. If a bunt is successful (Between the cones…must hit the ground before the net) then the runner on third scores. Any other runner on the bases advances 1 base. A bunt that hits the cage first will result in a double play with the runner on 3rd being out. 
  13. Each team will have the option to intentionally walk 1 batter throughout each game. 
  14. The umpire will keep track of stats throughout every game and will crown a batting champion at the end of the league. 
  15. We will use the rubber baseballs throughout the league 

Hitting League Highlights